Westbrook Academy Childcare & Learning Center:
2010-2011 Policies & Procedures Manual

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Thank you for your interest in Westbrook Academy. Choosing a daycare provider for your child is a very important decision and we are grateful you are considering our inclusive Christian program. It is our goal to provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child where he/she feels happiness, warmth and security among our community of learners. Each child and their families are welcomed regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, or physical/cognitive ability. We believe that diversity is to be celebrated.

The Academy provides an educational program that is “language rich” and literacy based for children ages 6 weeks-6 years. We strive for excellence in our curriculum, incorporating the High/Scope for children ages 2 years through 6 years. We embrace the concept (and hope you will too) that ages birth through 6 years represents the most crucial period in one’s life in terms of brain growth and potential! We can literally alter future outcomes for children of all abilities with quality early childhood experiences and opportunities.

We offer a before and after school care program for children up to the age of 14 years and summer camp options that are fun and healthy with an educational spin.

The techniques and strategies the Academy implements will facilitate development and future success of children of all ages.

Our preschool program is literacy based; the central theme of the curriculum will usually be based on a shared reading from a “Big Book”. Titles include such favorites as The Rainbow Fish, The Doorbell Rang, Stella Luna, Quick As A Cricket. Activities in learning centers (such as language arts, math, science, sensory exploration, arts & crafts, music & movement) will be “spun off” of concepts from the shared reading. Activities will be, at times adult directed, but largely, child directed and will be tailored to both meet and challenge the abilities of each child. Learning goals for your child will be worked on throughout each day in planned and naturally occurring ways. I am open to any and all feedback from parents as I recognize a quality early childhood program is one that grows and evolves.

Infant’s schedules will be more individualized based on their sleeping and eating patterns. They will be “immersed” in opportunities for language development and exposed to books daily just like the toddlers and preschool age children. In addition, they will be provided an environment that stimulates small and large muscle coordination, the senses, creative expression, and socialization. Most importantly, they will be held, rocked, cuddled, and loved. I recognize from the perspective of a mother and as a professional how necessary this for proper emotional development and also, we are learning more and more, brain development.

Westbrook Academy offers your child:

  • A clean, organized, safe/hazard-free and nurturing environment
  • that is auditorally, visually, tactually, and physically/vestibularly stimulating and inviting
  • A language rich learning environment with frequent and varied exposure to oral and written expression
  • A literacy based curriculum that fosters early literacy skills.
  • learning centers that focus on shared readings, (pre)reading/(pre)writing, math, science/sensory, arts/crafts, music/movement, dramatic play, and construction
  • A rich assortment of multi-cultural and developmentally appropriate materials and equipment; including books, toys, puzzles, blocks, indoor and outdoor play equipment, art/craft supplies, musical instruments, cooking supplies, and more…that are age appropriate, safe, and sanitized
  • Exposure to American Sign Language (which fosters oral expression)
  • Nutritious, varied, yet child-friendly meals and snacks.
  • The option of direct speech and occupational therapy services in conjunction with a Speech Pathologist.
  • and so much more

Behavior & Discipline:

We lay the foundation for socially appropriate behavior by providing your child a warm, relaxed and loving environment where they are valued, respected and encouraged with a variety of experiences/activities promoting success and confidence. Children are encouraged to model socially appropriate behaviors through positive reinforcement throughout the day. Please keep in mind that there will be disagreements between children. Young children, especially, who are not adapt at communication, have a hard time expressing their feelings. Sometimes they hit or throw toys, etc. Although teaching children appropriate behavior is what I will be trying to do please remember that this behavior is normal in most cases.

When children do exhibit negative behavior we will redirect them by showing them what is acceptable. If it becomes necessary, I will verbally redirect. A time out will be used after several attempts at redirection. Time outs will be one minute per year of age of the child. If a behavior becomes such that it poses a threat to other children or to the child displaying the behavior a conference with a parent will be scheduled so a behavior support plan can be agreed upon and put in place. If a behavior support plan or IEP is already in place through the school district or other agency we will implement a plan that mirrors it. Every measure will be taken to retain each child in our program.

Sleeping & Rest Arrangements:

All infants and toddlers will be provided a crib to sleep in. Preschool age children will be provided comfortable cots and pillows. All children will be provided clean sheets, pillow cases, and blankets to use exclusively. Parents are welcome to bring a child’s security blanket and, if age permits, a stuffed animal (stuffed animals may pose a suffocation threat if baby is young).

Toilet training:

When a child shows readiness, a parent feels a child is ready & is potty training at home, we will assist parents in the toilet training of their child. At this point you will be asked to bring extra clothes and training pants, such as Pull Ups. We are not comfortable forcing children to use the potty chair or toilet, Positive encouragement will be used to promote toilet training and we will train as long as is necessary.

Meals & Snacks:

Nutritionally balanced meals and snacks will be served. Food is varied and appealing to children. They are offered the food and encouraged, not forced to eat. Weekly menus are provided in advance to parents. If you wish to send an alternate meal that is fine but I do ask that “special treats” such as McDonalds or snack foods not be brought unless there is enough for all the children. If you have a child with a food allergy, we must be made aware of that and if it is severe enough, we may, together, decide it is in the best interest of your child for you to send their meals and snacks. Any child able to eat table food will be provided meals and snacks. Baby food and breast milk or formula must be clearly labeled. Additionally, you’re asked to date breast milk. We ask you to bring items in quantities such that you are not having to pack a daily diaper bag to make it easier on yourself. You will be notified by your child’s teacher when we are running short on items.

Daily Schedule:

6:00-8:30 am
Arrival; hand washing; breakfast; social play

Diapering/toileting; hand washing

Circle time w/ shared reading of Big Book, Pledge of Allegiance, singing, nursery rhymes, finger play, show and tell, & similar group activities.

Music & movement

Outdoor play; Gross motor development

Diapering/toileting; hand washing

Table top learning activity involving several academic areas

Child directed activity of choice/prep for lunch


Diapering/toileting; hand washing

Rest/Quiet time

2:45-3:00 pm
Diapering/toileting; hand washing

Afternoon snack

Outdoor play; Gross motor development

Adult directed learning in 1 or more learning center

Diapering/toileting; hand washing
Child directed learning/play in center of choice

*This is a basic outline of a day.


Each child will have space in an open locker area with a compartment for personal items such as school bag, jacket, umbrella, boots, change of clothes, and “mailbox” area for parents. In the mailbox you will find upcoming menus, newsletters, photos of your child taken during daily activities, and “make and takes” (your child’s art and craft projects). Each child in diapers or training pants will also have a bin within the changing station. I request that you bring:

Infants (18 months or younger):

  • Bottles if applicable (labeled with name and date)
  • Formula or breast milk if applicable (labeled with name and date)
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Diaper area ointment or cream (labeled; authorization form must be on file; refer to section labeled “Health”)
  • Baby food if applicable (labeled with name and date)
  • 1 seasonally appropriate & complete change of clothes

Toddlers (18-30 months):

  • Diapers, training pants or underpants
  • Wipes
  • Diaper area ointment or cream (labeled; authorization form must be on file; refer to section labeled “Health”)
  • 1 seasonally appropriate & complete change of clothes

Preschoolers (30 months-kindergarten):
  • 1 seasonally appropriate & complete change of clothes
  • 2-3 extra underpants


*Please clearly mark all items brought from home

**child’s play is messy work. Your child will be painting, playing with chalk, playing outdoors, etc. Dress your child with this in mind; practically, not in favorite outfits, please.

***Always assume we will play outside twice a day and dress your child accordingly. In cold months please ensure your child arrives with hat, scarf, and gloves/mittens.

****PLEASE NO TOYS FROM HOME; most children choose to not share toys from home, creating issues. We do not wish to be responsible for lost or broken items.


We can not give a sick child the attention they need and deserve when they are ill. It is in everyone’s best interest that a sick child stays home. Further, we reserve the right to deny admittance to a child who exhibits obvious signs of illness upon arrival. If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be called immediately. If your child is not picked up within one hour of notification, the emergency contacts listed on your enrollment form will be called. Children who are sent home due to illness may not be readmitted until all signs of illness are gone for 24 hours, unless a release from a physician is given. If a child has any of the symptoms listed below, they will not be permitted to attend day care:

  • Fever of 100° or more
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Severe pain or discomfort particularly in joints, abdomen, or ears
  • Swollen joints, visibly enlarged lymph nodes or stiff neck
  • Severe coughing or sore throat
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Jaundice skin or eyes
  • Unexplained rash; child will not be allowed to come to the early childhood center until a medical exam has indicated it is not a communicable disease
  • Unusual behavior such as listlessness, loss of appetite or confusion
  • Pinkeye (red eyes, eye drainage/discharge)
  • Chickenpox-until all blisters have dried and formed scabs, about 6 days after the onset of the rash
  • Symptoms of impetigo, lice, scabies, strep throat, or any other communicable disease.
  • Again, *If a child becomes ill while in our care, parents will be notified and arrangements made for pick up.


In the interest of your child’s health as well as the health of others in the facility, you must submit your child’s current medical and immunization records prior to enrollment or at the time of enrollment. The Academy will be unable to accept any child into care until we have obtained this information. These records must be updated in accordance with state laws.

All medication must be brought in its original container, with your child’s name printed on the bottle. Please be sure to check expiration dates on all medications. We are not able to administer expired medications. All medications, including over-the-counter will be dispensed with a parent or guardians written instructions/permission. The same is true of over-the-counter lotions, creams, ointments (including diaper creams and sunscreens).

The Academy will do all that is within our power to facilitate a healthy environment for the children. Surfaces, toys, and other materials will be kept as clean and sanitary as is possible on a daily basis. Floors will be swept/vacuumed and mopped daily. Bedding will never be shared and will be laundered weekly. Dishes, cups, and utensils will be washed and sanitized Children and adult(s) will wash and sanitize their hands frequently throughout the day.

Written consent complete with directions from the parent is required before any medication, including over the counter and sunscreen, is administered.


One of the learning centers is a media area complete with television, DVD/VCR combo, stereo, and comfortable furniture. Here, we engage in music and movement; using various instruments, and exposing the children to various children’s artists and genres and dancing, marching, hopping, etc. Television will be permitted, but not all day, by any means. Appropriate times will be early morning (during arrival), late afternoon (during departure) and movies that are age appropriate, particularly ones that relate to our Big Book/curriculum.

Hours & Days of Operation:

Monday-Friday; 6:00am-6:00pm

When children will be later than usual or not be attending or when they will be picked up earlier than usual, we ask for the soonest possible notice; preferably before that day, when possible. Because this is a curriculum based program in addition to a child care arrangement , I ask that transitions during late arrivals and early departures be as smooth as is possible. However, I do not want for parents to feel so rushed or uncomfortable that important information is not shared with us. Parents, know that the latest possible departure time is 6:00 pm. Parents who arrive after 6:30 pm may be subject to a fine of $1.00 per minute that they are late.

Holidays, Vacation, & Time Off:

The Academy is closed on the following holidays:

Friday, December 31, 2010* New Year’s Day
Monday, January 17 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Monday, May 30 Memorial Day
Monday, July 4 Independence Day
Monday, September 5 Labor Day
Thursday, November 24 Thanksgiving Day
Friday, November 25 Day after Thanksgiving
Monday, December 26* Christmas Day

The same weekly rates still apply when a week contains a holiday.


Regular full time care for children ages 6 weeks- 24 months is $195.00 per week, for ages 2-6 years is $165.00 per week. Part time care for is $37.00 per day. A discount of 10% is given for siblings.

**Speech/language, occupational & physical therapy sessions are available in 1:1 and group formats. Therapies are made as affordable as possible for parents whose children, for whatever reasons, are not receiving services and would benefit from them.


Payments are made on Monday mornings upon arrival for services to be rendered that upcoming week. If not paid on time, a late fee of $5.00 per day may apply. If a check does not clear due to insufficient funds, a $25.00 fee will apply. If this occurs more than once, payments must be made by money order or cash from that point forward.

Termination of services:

A minimum of a 2 weeks notice is required prior to guardians terminating the child care/school contract. Payment for the 2 weeks is required whether your child is in attendance or is not.


I reserve the right to refuse the release of your child to any person who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, does not have a proper child restraint system in their vehicle as outlined by Missouri state law (* children under 80 lbs. And under 4 ft, 4 inches need to be restrained in a proper child safety seat), or who is belligerent or in any way abusive toward child or teachers upon arrival to the Center. Westbrook Academy is a mandated reporter of any instance of suspected child abuse (verbal, physical, sexual, or neglect) to DFS. We are legally and morally obligated to do so. The Academy reserves the right to change existing policies or introduce new policies pertaining to the program as professional staff deem necessary. Parents/guardians will be given such addendums in writing for their review. Lack of enforcement of a certain policy at any time does not indicate that any particular policy is no longer in effect.

last updated 2-8-2011